A Short Bio

Jin-Ho Park, Ph.D.

CV English 영어| Korean 한글

2012 2022 2022

박진호 교수는 UCLA 건축대학원에서 석사 및 박사 학위를 받은 후, 미국 하와이주립대학교 건축대학에서 조교수 및 부교수(종신교수)를 역임하였다. 현재는 인하대학교 건축학과의 교수로 재직 중이다. 전공 관심분야는 건축디자인 방법론, 이론 및 역사, 건축계획 및 설계, Digital Design and Fabrication,  Design and Computation 등 이다.
제4차 아시아 태평양 건축 심포지엄 의장 (University of Hawaii at Manoa), “Nexus Network Journal” (Birkhauser, Springer) (A&HCI)의 편집위원을 역임하였고,  현재는 “Open House International (Emerald Publishing Group, SSCI and A&HCI) 편집위원을 거쳐,  객원편집자(Contributing Editor)로 활동하고 있다. 세계 유수의 저널에 다수의 논문을 발표하고 있다.
최근의 저서로는 "Architectural and Urban Subsymmetries" (Birkhauser, Springer Nature, 2022), "Graft in Architecture: Recreating Spaces" (Mulgrave: Images Publishing, 2013) 그리고 "Designing the Ecocity-in-the-Sky" (Mulgrave: Images Publishing, 2014)가 있다. 특히 "Designing the Ecocity-in-the-Sky"는  페르시아어, 베트남어 등으로도 번역되어 출간되었다. 
현재는 "Unbuilt Schindler Revealed", "Pavillions for Giving"등의 영문 저서를 출판 준비 중이다.
국내저서로는 "건축적 실험과 교훈 (창의적 디자인을 위한)"(시공문화사 2015), "현대건축의 단면과 장면" (시공문화사 2014), "서울성곽, 그 경계를 넘어" (시공문화사 2010), "Expired Housing" (시공문화사 2008) 등이 있다.
하와이주립대학교 평의회, 최고교육상 수상을 수상하였고, 미국 건축학회 (ACSA) 신임교육상, JAABE (Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering)의 최고논문상 (2회), 대한건축학회 학술상 및 무애건축상,  인하대학교 우수교육상  등을 수상하였고, 그리고 2011년 국가건축정책위원장 표창장 등 다수의 학술 및 연구관련 상을 수상하였다.
Dr. Jin-Ho Park teaches architectural design, theory, and history as a professor in the Department of Architecture at Inha University, Korea. Prior to joining Inha University, he taught in the School of Architecture at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA as an associate professor with tenure. He earned his Ph.D. in architecture from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He chaired and edited the proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium of the Asia Pacific Architecture, 2001 in Hawaii. He served as corresponding editor of the Nexus Network Journal, and is now an editorial member of Open House International. His research has been published in various referred journals, nationally and internationally. Also, his recent book publications include “Architectural and Urban Subsymmetries ” (Cham: Birkhauser, Springer Nature, 2022), “Architectural Experiments and Lessons towards Innovative Designs” (Seoul: Spacetime, 2015), “Graft in Architecture: Recreating Spaces” (Mulgrave: Images Publishing, 2013), “Designing the Ecocity-in-the-Sky” (Mulgrave: Images Publishing, 2014), "Seoul Fortress Wall: Boundary and Beyond" (Seoul: Spacetime, 2010) and "Expired Housing” (Seoul: Spacetime, 2008). He was honored as a recipient of the University of Hawaii “Board of Regent’s Medal for Excellence in Teaching.” in 2002, and received national recognition as the 2003 recipient for “the ACSA/AIAS New Faculty Teaching Award.” He also received Best Teaching Award at Inha University. He was twice recipient of the Best Paper Award at the Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering (JAABE) in 2003 and 2013. He was honored as a recipient of the Chief Commissioner's Award of the Presidential Commission on Architecture Policy from the Korean Government in 2011.